Friday, March 4, 2011

Can't wait!!

Most of the sports world (pats fans prolly suppressed the memory) remembers those famous words as Bart Scott screamed into the camera, and we all sat there wait for him to kill Paolantonio. Bart Scott has taken the phrase to a whole new level and decided to trademark it because his wife thought it would be a good idea. Just as order was being restored to the media with the absence of the Jets being in it for some dumb reason (yes I know there was an article about them releasing some players, thats normal).
So in summary, Bart Scott thinks he has discovered something clever here with his simple 2 word phrase because it was all over ESPN, youtube and out in the general public. In fact, we didnt think it was cool, fresh or something amazing! We were laughing at you, not with you! Youre a tool and you proved that to the world as well as proving how dumb you are! 

Cant wait for the next publicity stunt the Jets try to pull.

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