Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Years Endeavors In Boston Recapped.

Its been a while since I last wrote a blog, so first and foremost Happy New Year!!! And---Happy Birthday to me!!! Also, Congrats to my friend Hood-Rat for not getting arrested last night...Just remember that golden rule, Duck Fly Together

Only because no one else will sing to me. Whatever.

I spent last night in Boston... to say the least I'm glad I got all my bad decisions out last night and can start anew this year..perfect timing. Here is the recap of my night.
Arrive in Boston at 430-5ish and go visit my friends dad for a little bit. From there (Beth Israel Hospital) we decided it would not be a bad idea to walk to the hotel (poor life decision 1) which was on the other end of Tremont ST. The numbers started at 1900 and we walked to 247. What we have in the making here is a Canterbury Tale. Get to the hotel at about 615, I vastly under estimated that complexity and length of time it would take me to traverse the rugged terrain of Boston.
So I meet up with couple more friends to go meet another friend..Here I'm thinking we are gonna go hang out with this person (poor life decision 2), however that was not the case fore we simply walked about 3 miles or more simply to just say hello and I smiled and watched as they had 1 cigarette. Get back to the hotel at about 730ish.
View from the room--

Okay boring stuff is done and out of the way...I swear this gets better. Now, we are questioning whether or not the open bar will have enough liquor and beer to last the night, so we decide just to be safe to go find a liquor store. However, we were unaware the closest one was over a mile away (poor life decision 3--We are striking out at this point). Being the smart college degree adults we are we think we can simply walk into our hotel holding a brown paper bag, which is not the case (dumb decision 4). So we walk around the corner and are standing in a playground pouring our liquor into smaller bottles to smuggle in. At this point I feel like I'm in high school again.

Fast forward an hour or so, we arrive at the venue which was an old church converted into a ballroom or something. I wish I took a picture. However, I did take notes on my phone so I wouldnt forget anything. Walking in its your typical church and what not, the main room obviously had all the pews removed. There was a stage with a black cover band playing a lot of Michael Jackson. In my opinion there is not better way to start a party than with some Michael Jackson.

Here are my notes word for word, spelling mistakes included: Church, girl in tutu, black band playing michael jackson, pews, lots of jeans and suit jackets and girls w sequins, big screen on ceilling...walking forever to get booze and cant bring it in, walking 15 miles in 3 hours, putting alcohol in sprite (I guess this has nothing to do with the church and me being there, but it was so i didnt forget).

So Ive covered that we were in a church, drinking and such...seems like an oxymoron or something to be drinking and such in a church.  So inside the ballroom area or w.e you want to call it there were stairs leading upto where the organ used to be, but along the sides surrounding the room there were still pews to sit and hang. I thought that was interesting.

So while I was upstairs creeping on the crowd i noticed a girl wearing a tutu like dress. Im wondering whether she just escaped the mental ward or she is way above the fashion curve. In all fairness, she was not far from looking like Jim Carey in the mental ward scene from Ace Ventura. Conversely there was not a whole lot of diversity amongst the male population in terms of attire. There was not a whole lot more going on other than Jeans-Suit jacket, or classic Jeans-Button down shirt. Im glad i broke from the crowd and wore a button down with a sweater over it. There were very few of us rocking that look.

Okay, touched on the band, but above the band was a projection of some screen, and it was an interesting idea to put the picture on the ceiling...who looks at the ceiling when youre trying to party..I suppose the only time you would stop and look would be if 1. youre bored or anti-social 2. nervous because you lack social skills 3. fell on your ass while on the dance floor.

So at some point in the night I met a female on the dance floor. One thing led to another and plain and simple I got cougar'd. Yep, it happened. I was seduced by a 32 (exact age I dont remember, but she was 30+) year old woman. Luckily for my Ducks Stick Together and it didnt go any further than kissing.

In summation: I walked 15 or so miles, got cougar'd, ate amazing chinese food, re-enacted The Canterbury tale with a real life excursion  and Had a Great New Years/ Birthday Celebration.

To the friends we have, and the friends we will never forget.

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