Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What if real life were like World of Warcraft?

While sitting around one day, I'm not sure why, but I happened to be thinking about World of Warcraft (WoW). Probably because of their new commercial that has come out on TV. In any event, I began to wonder what if real life mirrored WoW? (This is actually true for a number of different Role Playing Games (RPG)) The things to do in WoW include leveling to do raids (fighting bosses and getting gear, following the story line) and fighting other players. I'm gonna focus on the leveling and raiding aspect.

Anyways, while questing to get to a higher level and stronger you go around killing animals, running errands and killing computer characters. Many of times these computer characters are just hanging out in caves, huts, buildings, in a field..minding their own business mind you. And their whole purpose in this game, WoW is to sit there and wait to do battle with any player who comes across their path. They don't work or do anything else, but pace around and wait to fight people. The equivalent of this would be a farmer just sitting on his porch with a gun waiting for any moron to wander on his property. More likely than not you're not gonna win that battle in real life. But what if there were people in everyday locations just sitting around waiting to fight you? Like if you wanted to get on the subway you had to fight all the homeless people first? Or if you go into your bosses office and he comes at you like a spider monkey?

Or your dad sits at home all day waiting for you to come home to fight you!

Another example of how real life can mirror WoW, raiding. Raiding is when you get a group of 10 or 25 people together to defeat bosses in dungeons and shit. The real world equivalence would be gathering 10 or 25 of your friends, but there is a catch..you need group composition. For sake of explanation its a group of 10. You need 2 people to hold the boss's attention while 5 or 6 of your friends (karate kids, wrestlers, mobsters, boxers, MMA fighters) beat him down...sounds easy of enough.. lastly you need a couple of doctors, nurses or medics to heal everyone during this brawl. So you gather this group and you decide to raid a mental asylum or a prison. You then go around fighting all the inmates and officers..and the final boss is the Warden or head of the mental asylum.. This could all work the same for invading a country and killing their leader I suppose.
This is kind of what it would be like in real life... attacking snowmen...Good God i'm glad i'm not these nerds

While looking up Videos to throw into this blog I couldnt help but stumble on videos of this game ruining others lives. This one cracks me up: 

Moreover, i've never understood why it was such a big thing that girls played video games or WoW but i can only imagine whenever a girl plays this game...every time they get a level or something this is what they do . Also I remember my friend telling me that one of his friends said to his gf, "You would be wife material if you would play WoW with me" Oddly enough she took this as a compliment...I cant imagine why.

Another classic as the Hitler scene has been dubbed and re-dubbed over and over again for just about every situation: 

In summation, the parallels between WoW (as well as other RPGs) is uncanny. But what if by some chance that was what real life was like? Pretty "vanilla" (WoW term thats used to describe the game in its simplest days) if you were to ask me.

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